“There isn’t enough Xanax for me to try to do this,” writes a viewer of the video. “I would be amazed but also have to change my space diaper,” says another. “Can you try to avoid the bumps, I’m reading,” jokes a user. One user is impressed with what he says is “My guy just trying to do a crossword puzzle.” “The dude in the middle is reading the map and giving directions,” remarks another. Another says the astronaut is “just casually reading the newspaper.” “If I ever go to space I think they’ll need to give me a brown suit,” says a video watcher. “Oh hell no, I’m dizzy just seeing this,” writes a commenter. “OMG! That’s like … more intense than I thought it would be,” mentions a user. “It shouldn’t have been, but it was.” Yes, that certainly looks like a wild ride. Recommended for you

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