This tutorial will help you to install and configure Elasticsearch on Fedora Linux systems.


Java is the primary requirement for running elasticsearch. We assume you already have Java installed on your Fedora system. You can use following command to install OpenJDK java on your system. Open a terminal and execute: After installation, check the Java version:

Step 1 – Install ElasticSearch on Fedora

Step 2 – Configure Elasticsearch

Edit the elasticsearch configuration file elasticsearch.yml and set the to localhost. You can also change it to the system LAP IP address to make it accessible over the network. Then enable the elasticsearch service and start it. The ElasticSearch has been successfully installed and running on your Fedora system.

Step 3 – Test Elasticsearch

Elasticsearch listens on port 9200 for the REST APIs. Port 9300 is used by the elasticsearch for communication between nodes. Let’s connect on port 5200 via REST API to view the elasticsearch version. You will see the results like below: As the the above connected node name is tecadmin running elasticsearch version 7.9.2.


In this tutorial, you have learned to install and configure Elasticsearch on the Fedora Linux system.